AromaKey | Relieving stress for young people on the go

Project Team:

Rachel Barnes , Annabella McKinnon



Social Purpose

Good Health & Wellbeing

What is the problem you found?

How might we help youth to manage stress on the go? 

Customer / Problem

Our target customer is young females in years 9-12, that are most likely to get stressed from the overwhelming amount of schoolwork and assessments.

We are two year nine students that become stressed over many things, including exams. So we decided to come together and create a product that can promote effective coping strategies for others students to relieve stress anywhere, at anytime.

What Is Your Solution?

We go to Kiera High School and have developed the AromaKey with the help of MakersSpace and Co. We were a part of a Youth Incubator run by Young Change Agents and were selected based on a application we submitted in producing a product to battle mental health issues within schools. We believe we have come up with a practical and effective tool to alleviate stress on the go.

What is Aromakey?

An easily accessible key ring that incorporates a calming aromatherapy spray with a textured casing to relieve stress. 

Now available to purchase on our Etsy store - Aromakey on Etsy

Product image of a furry stress ball with key ring


Support Required


Manufacture and delivery partners 



Being school students we would love support from designers, producers to provide us with feedback and suggestions to what we could do to improve the product. Including ways to decrease the costs so that it is affordable to all students. In the mean time we will be producing the product ourselves and will be looking for support in purchasing the materials for our product.

In the long term, we are looking for potential suppliers who would like to help us manufacture and distribute the products.

Most of all, we would love as many people trying the AromaKey so we can gather as much ideas, feedback so that we can make AromaKey available in all schools and to all students.

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Keira High School and Mental Health YINC



New South Wales
