Judges Choice: Tees for Trees | Providing affordable nutrition while supporting the LGBTQ+ community

Project Team:

Rani Jones , Cate Filipone , Bec Jeffries


New Idea

Social Purpose

Zero Hunger

What is the problem you found?

Many Australian people are unable to afford healthy food so resort to buying cheap, unhealthy, and processed foods which can lead to malnutrition and other health problems. 

What is your opportunity?

How might we make it easier for people to access fresh fruit and have healthier diets?

Who is your audience?

People who don't have enough money to buy fresh and nutritious food, and people who want to support/express their identity.

Our two customers and their journeys:
Customer 1: JASON > Now:
- Trans
- Gay
- Working two jobs
- Wants to help less fortunate people
- Not enough time
- Gay rights advocate

JASON > 3 Years Later
- 2 kids
- Husband
- Shows his pride with our shirts
- Goes to park with kids and teaches them to care for trees and eat healthy

Customer 2: Ash > NOW:
- Kicked out at 17
- Battling internalised transphobia/homophobia
- Non-binary
- Lives in government share house
- Can’t afford food
- Can’t keep a job because of transphobia
- Wants to save for gender correction surgery

Ash > 3 Years Later:
- Now has a job with Tee for a Tree
- Can afford food
- Is saving for their own apartment
- Is getting closer to being able to afford gender correction surgery

What Is Your Solution?

Our solution is to plant more fruit trees in our local community. To support this we are going to sell LGBTQ+ frog apparel, and use all proceeds from the merchandise to pay for the trees. The merchandise will support people to express themselves and be proud of their identity. The fruit trees will help people who can’t afford nutritious food by providing a healthy and sustainable food source and they will also be contributing to cleaner air by filtering carbon dioxide.5 year plan

Support Required


Clothes provider, tree provider, someone willing to have us plant trees in their area. 

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Woodleigh School 4-Day Design Challenge


