Pedal for Power | Creating a product that becomes a sustainable source of energy for Woodleigh.

Project Team:

Aurelia Puleio , Bridget Mauerhofer , Cordelia Brunton , Liv McKenzie


New Idea

Social Purpose

Sustainable Cities & Communities

What is the problem you found?

We found that Woodleigh isn't using a sustainable source of energy to power the school.

What is your opportunity?

How might we make Woodleigh a more responsible energy user?

Who is your audience?

Our customer is a year 9 student who uses a lot of energy at school. For example using the lights in their classroom, the toaster and kettle at lunch or charging their computer in class. They love to exercise and find that PE and sports activities don't challenge them enough. They find that a rewarding system helps them to stay motivated.

What Is Your Solution?

What we did to resolve this problem was to come up with a product that helps us produce energy that is cost-effective and is also fun and keeps you active. We created a stationary exercise bike that produces energy that is stored in battery packs that source the school’s energy. Each pack takes 30-60 minutes to charge which produces 1-2 days’ worth of energy. While pedalling, it is blending up a smoothie as a reward for charging the battery and contributing to producing energy for your school. Once full, it's then taken to the battery storage which is stationed at every homestead. Every homestead will include 3 bikes each and decorated in their mascot colours.


A prototype of our exercise bike

Support Required


We would need support to develop our product and funding to pilot it at Woodleigh. Also, support from the school to promote and continue the idea.  

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Climate Action Youth Design Challenge


Woodleigh School 4-Day Design Challenge


