My Baggg | Helping primary school students have a smooth transition to high school

Project Team:

Samantha , Charlotte , Aisata , Isabelle , Shelee



Social Purpose

Quality Education

What is the problem you found?

Students from primary school often struggle to transition to all the changes of high school.

How might we minimise the number of struggling with a negative mindset as they make the transition into high school?

Customer / Problem

Our customers are students that are entering year 7. They are interested in technology devices and the outdoors and are nervous about making the transition into high school. They are struggling mentally and need to find something to relax them and get them back on track.  

What Is Your Solution?

My Baggg is a starter pack that helps students transition into a new environment. Whatever they need, we have got it in the bag! 

We offer different types of customisable items such as:

  • Fidget toys
  • Relaxing Scents to help relieve stress.
  • Music Playlists
  • Pamphlets linking to helpful resources



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National Resilience YINC



New South Wales
