YOUtell | Connect authentically with local youth.

Project Team:

Josh , Jess , Bekkie , Tom , April


New Idea

Social Purpose

Decent Work & Economic Growth

What is the problem you found?

How might we empower youth to share their ideas and get people to take notice?

Customer / Problem

Local initiatives run by community groups & businesses often fall short when attempting to cater for youth wants and needs, leaving businesses feeling like they missed their mark despite their best intentions. On the flip side, young people offer some of the greatest ideas and insights into products and initiatives that meet their needs. As teachers we see the creativity and enthusiasm our students offer, however they are often overlooked by businesses and groups aiming to specifically target them. 


What Is Your Solution?

This is where our solution, Youtell, comes in. At Youtell we train and connect local youth to become consultants for local business initiatives to provide an authentic youth voice - taking products and services to the next level. 

Our custom training program develops the communication and design thinking skills of our young people, and provides a platform for their voice to be heard within our local community by linking them with local businesses. As with all consultancy positions, ideas and feedback are very valuable for clients. This means that youth, the YOUtellers, get paid for their time while adding real value to activities in the local area.


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Mt Gambier High School (Telstra)


