28 May 2020

YCA Team

Saving the Earth: Moonhack 2020

Amplifying our impact

"I want to do something to help the environment but I just don't know how"

When confronting the increasing threat of climate change it can be easy to be overwhelmed, something we've all felt before. This year, to help combat this, we have partnered up with Code Club Australia for a special and impactful event, Moonhack 2020: May 25-31.

Moonhack is a free international event that brings kids from across the world together for a week of coding where historically they have worked on problems in space. However this year, Moonhack has been brought back to earth with a focus on coding planet saving solutions such as water usage, bush regeneration and sustainability!

As an addition to this years event, Young Change Agents have created a Sustainability at Home design thinking project to complement the coding projects in the challenge. We ask young people to come up with ideas for the challenge theme, "Create a tool that helps minimise the environmental impact of your household".

In the challenge participants will interview a partner, identify environmental issues in their home and rapidly test different solutions before coming up with a prototype. 

The challenge has already been translated into more than five language and we are thrilled to see kids around the world coming up with innovative solutions to one of the most pressing issues of our time. 

Check it out here!