Budget Builder | Using gaming to build a better budgeting future for young adults and children.

Project Team:

Audrey , Lucy , Alyssa


New Idea

Social Purpose

Decent Work & Economic Growth

What is the problem you found?

The problem that we found is that most teens and children aren't learning how to properly budget in a fun and engaging way.

Most young people gravitate to asking their parents to pay for things when they could be paying themselves but don't know how to budget their money or save.

What is your opportunity?

How might we educate young people and children about budgeting in a fun, interactive way?

Who is your audience?

The person who is using the app to learn about budgeting and or the parent controlling the app.

What Is Your Solution?

     The solution is an app to teach about budgeting, there will be a kid mode and a young adult mode. These modes will have different settings. Our kid version has a parent authentication (aged 13 and below), and the parents can log in and see the kid's game. In the young adult simulation (aged 14 and above), the player goes through different stages of life and learns how to earn money and budget in different situations. The player can get a job and use the money that they earn to buy things in the simulation.

T   The different situations might be that you need to go to hospital, or you get a parking ticket or that you find out you are pregnant. The game will guide the player through typical life challenges- giving you different options/decisions or letting you put money towards different things. The game does not give the child the answers directly, but it requires the child to problem solve and through their choices and mistakes, understand the lesson and make better financial choices for themselves in the future.

S    See PDF below

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Slide 8Money Goals

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Future of Finance Youth Design Challenge


South Australia
