The Drunklet | Reducing levels of alcoholism in the community

Project Team:

Dallas , Jeremy , Geoffrey , Kodin


New Idea

Social Purpose

Good Health & Wellbeing

What is the problem you found?

High levels of alcoholism within the community. How might we help alcoholics stop drinking on a routine basis?

Customer / Problem

Our customers are people that are suffering from addiction to alcohol. They are unable to go out for a drink without losing control and ending up very intoxicated. Other customers include families of people that are suffering from alcohol addiction

What Is Your Solution?

We have developed a bracelet that will limit the amount of alcohol intake for the user. Whenever the user's blood pressure drops below a certain level, the bracelet will tighten on the user's hand, providing them with an alert that this is a time they should stop drinking. Users will also gain points, for the longer their bracelet goes without alerting them, which may be redeemed at local stories.


Support Required


Partnerships with local stores that may be used as a place where users can redeem their points. 

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Catapult 2021



