Let's Chat Header

Let's Chat | Supporting teens going through mental health issues

Project Team:

Kaya Hickson-Warry , Jasmine West , Mikayla Hamood



Social Purpose

Good Health & Wellbeing

What is the problem you found?

How might we encourage people to talk to others about their feelings? 

Customer / Problem

The Northern Territory recorded the highest rate of suicide per capita in 2017, at 20.3 deaths per 100,000 persons. (ABS)

Many youth who are experiencing mental health issues find it hard to talk to other people about their feelings. They also find it hard to report bullying in person to teachers for fear of being seen/making it worse. Research from Beyond Blue surveys states that 4 out of 5 Australian teens are afraid to seek help because they are afraid of what others might think.

Lets Chat Problem

What Is Your Solution?

Let's Chat is a safe and anonymous chatting app for students who are struggling with mental health or are a victim of bullying. Students are matched anonymously with another student who they can chat to. A feedback button allows them to express whether the chat improves the way they are feeling. Students can save the chat if they wish to talk to the same person again. 

There is also a talk-to-a-teacher option which allows students to talk to a teacher and report bullying privately. 

In a survey conducted by the group among other students, 87% agreed they would use the app.

Lets Chat Solution

Support Required

  • In the zone
  • Telstra
  • Department of Education

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Palmerston College and YINC


