Munchkins of Plastic | Raise your own plastic eating worms that will eat your plastic waste.

Project Team:

Kynan , Sam , Mia , Elija


New Idea

Social Purpose

Responsible Consumption & Production

What is the problem you found?

How might we incorporate plastic eating worms and microbes into the fauna areas that eat the plastics so the fauna doesn't eat them?

Customer / Problem

Are customer are families experiences problems in plastic recycling. They currently do not have time to recycle and recycling takes up a lot of space in the house hold. They also want ot teach their kids about recycling but do not know how to in a fun way. 

What Is Your Solution?

Raise your own plastic eating worm in a tank you can keep at home.

This company will sell super worms to customers. These super worms live for 6 months, and lay 100 eggs at once, so once customers have purchased their first set of worms, they will have them forever. These worms will eat up food waste, to reduce wastage in the home. Pet stores can also sell the worms.

Check out our idea development below: 





Support Required


We want advice on how we could start up this idea and if families would be interested in it. Should it be sold like Sea Monkeys to encourage families to purchase it? 

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Rethinking Plastics and the Circular Economy



New South Wales
