Plateables | To help reduce plastic in the environment from sportswear manufacturing.

Project Team:

Nash , Hudson , Oliver , Darwin


New Idea

Social Purpose

Responsible Consumption & Production

What is the problem you found?

We have found that at a sporting event there's not enough recycling/loads of single use plastic in food products.

How might we help reduce waste at big events?

Customer / Problem

Our customer is the creators of big events and those who go to the events. We also will sell to food vendors. 

Their pains include:
Using single use waste at events
Overflowing bins
Tonnes of waste after events that are going to landfill 
Current compostable options are not being dealt with properly and are expensive. 

What Is Your Solution?

This company will buy and sell recyclable plastic plates in three different sizes, which can be re-washed 150 times. There will be a raffle system at sporting matches, where if you return your plate you get a raffle ticket to win team merch.

Check out our prototype: 

Prototype 2


Support Required


We need advice form vendors and event planners to see how we could best start up this idea! 

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Rethinking Plastics and the Circular Economy



New South Wales
