Clients & Supporters

City of Greater Geraldton

Young Change Agents is working with the City of Greater Geraldton located 424 kilometres north of Perth to deliver the Discover and Explore Entrepreneurship program in 2023. With a thriving population of over 41,000 – Greater Geraldton has been named one of Australia’s regional capitals. The City boasts a prosperous economy and a number of industries including mining, fishing, manufacturing, construction, retail and tourism. As one of Western Australia’s top places to live, work, study or invest, Geraldton is the capital of the Mid West.

Umpire Central

We are creating an app to help stop the umpire abuse and make basketball more enjoyable for umpires

New Idea


The Fountain Duck

To make a water fountain that is adjustable to the needs of people

New Idea


Rad Recycling

we want to make geraldton a place where we can recycling and help our town be cleaner because we don't have something like this in geraldton [not enough funding

New Idea



The unidress is made to solve the uncomfortable and tight dresses in Netball.

New Idea
