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Reducing the number of lights left on

New Idea



Charging a laptop with body heat, reducing the amount of electricity used and wasted

New Idea

New South Wales


To create a fuel cell which uses hydrogen and oxygen to make water emissions non-flammable.

New Idea

Western Australia

Burtha Agency

There needs to be more sustainable energy alternatives for the construction industry

New Idea


Making sustainable, affordable and recyclable products that help the environment

New Idea

New South Wales

Evergreen Conservation

Our planet isn't going to last the next 50 years and we need to make a change

New Idea


Highly Commended Energy around the Globe

Creating awareness of energy usage by comparing it to distances traveled by Tesla.

New Idea


The Bain

Making travel easy

New Idea

Western Australia


There is to much traffic and not enough puplic transport in the area.

New Idea

Northern Rivers

LEEF (Lightening Energy Eco Friendly)

Helping everyone make environmentally friendly energy choices

New Idea

New South Wales