
Future of Finance YINC

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

The Future of Finance Youth Incubator (YINC) was held in Sydney on the 26th-28th of September.  During the YINC students participated in a mix of masterclasses, activities, networking and groupwork- as an opportunity to further develop the ideas they developed and pitched in the Future of Finance Youth Design Challenge.  During the 3 days they delved into:  The world of crowdfunding, and how to set up and run a successful crowdfunding campaign. This masterclass was facilitated by Tom from StartSomeGood. A cycle of prototyping and customer validation that allowed them to iterate a solution in line with customer needs. Engagement with mentors to create confidence and a transfer of knowledge and skills. Exposure to industry experts, professionals, and potential clients. Specific new learning topics including partnerships, customer user journeys, and Minimal Viable Product (MVP). Showcase at the end of the 2 days to pitch their MVP 


How might we provide an accessible resource for young people, that teaches them all about finding a job?



The Mini Finance Game

Made by kids for kids, Mini Finance is a board game that teaches kids basic financial skills. We’re making finance fun!


Piggy Hei$t

Making saving fun with friendly competition!
