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The Cranes Foundation

New Idea


Macarthur - NSW

Lunch 2 Go

Providing healthy convenient lunch options

New Idea

Macarthur - NSW

Live Life the Safe Way

Keeping young cyclists safe

New Idea

Macarthur - NSW

ZEC - Healthy, Natural Cakes and Treats

Promoting local produce and improving national parks

New Idea


Macarthur - NSW

SBCA - Small Business Company Assistance

Increasing the amount of local businesses in our area

New Idea


Macarthur - NSW

Health Kick

Introducing healthier food options in to schools

New Idea

Macarthur - NSW

The Shop Box

How might we reduce the plastic ending up in our waterways?

New Idea


The Finley Fun Hub

How might we create an entertainment hub for isolated youth?

New Idea



How might we improve the conditions of our current facilities to help make people more proud of the community?

New Idea


Tasmania Local Link Up

How might we create a sense of community amongst disengaged youth?

New Idea


Cultivating our Future

To improve the health and wellbeing of low income families and help children to achieve their full potential

New Idea


Destress the Mess

How do we reduce mental health issues amongst students?

New Idea


Made for Mums

Why is there so much family violence in our community?

New Idea


Play Paws

In our community we’ve noticed that people have been isolating themselves and that’s been causing them to be lonely.

New Idea


Uptown Junk

How do we decrease the amount of rubbish consumed?

New Idea


Future of Sport

Why is there a lack of positive role models in sport?

New Idea


Mushroom in a Box

How do we decrease the amount of plastic in our environment?

New Idea



Statera Art

How might we be able to provide what youth need so they are happy and supported?

New Idea

