Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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No Fear Vaxx

Tackling the Covid-19 misinformation epidemic

New Idea

Let's Talk Finance

Let's Talk Finance is an interactive program that incorporates real life scenarios using mock activities to teach student about finance.

New Idea

South Australia

Cultural in Motion

Cultural in Motion is a social enterprise that curates experiences.

New Idea


Mini Me

To educate students to become entrepreneurs

New Idea

Western Australia

Around the World

Around the World" is a video game that involves various events where players travel around the world, completing learning objectives related to different cultur

New Idea


Covid Crushers

Tackling misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine

New Idea

Equal Third Place: Study Sync

Destressing and reducing the confusion around home learning for young people!

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Juvenile Justice Opportunity Program

Helping inmates of detention centres develop skills for a stable future

New Idea


Wagga Wagga

The Engagents

Making finance engaging through interactive adventures.

New Idea

South Australia

Harness Galore

A device to help those who struggle with social anxiety to speak

New Idea
