Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Equal Third Place: Edu-Level-Up

A way for students to stay motivated and engaged during remote learning.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Calm in Covid

Supporting Victorians through COVID-19 with a gamified app that strengthens their mental health.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Ground Zero

Creating spaces for in-person and live human connection.

New Idea



Reducing the environmental impact of plastic.

New Idea


Trashy games

Reducing littering in our community.

New Idea


Parenting the Future

Resourcing parents to raise mentally healthy and resilient kids.

New Idea


Kids against racism

Engaging kids in fostering an inclusive culture.

New Idea


Fluid AR

Using digital writing technology to be creative, save time and support online learning!

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria