Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Green Tails

Educating people about caring for their pets.

New Idea

Gold Coast

The Happy Pod

Improving youth mental health using pet therapy

New Idea


Murraylands Region


Protecting animals from abuse

New Idea

Northern Rivers

Local Nature News

To help people be more informed about the environment

New Idea


culture: respect the adventure

Information for travellers on specific cultural and respectful behaviour significant to the travel areas

New Idea

South Australia

Ground Zero

Creating spaces for in-person and live human connection.

New Idea


S.E.E.B Environment

Protecting our native wildlife

New Idea


Cruelty Busters

Providing a sanctuary for animals that have been mistreated.

New Idea

Gold Coast


Supporting bushfire preparation and recovery.

New Idea

New South Wales

Where is my pet?

Minimising the current rates of homeless domesticated animals.

New Idea

Darwin & Surrounds