Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Judges Choice: Helper Host

Access to technical assistance for over sixty fives to set up video chatting

New Idea


Style For Change

Expressing style and love for clothing through sustainable and creative practices

New Idea


Note To Self

Teenagers need encouragement to love themselves and radiate confidence.

New Idea

Canberra ACT

Mental Recyclers

We want athletes to not suffer from mental health struggles and live a happy and healthy life.

New Idea

Melbourne Metro

Teen Fit

Encouraging teenagers to participate in more physical activity. 

New Idea

Sydney South-West

Talk Tea 2 Me

Our purpose is to create a product for students dealing with the overwhelming stress of school.

New Idea

Melbourne Metro

The Roller

We want our idea to happen because it is environmentally friendly, safe and available for everyone to use freely.

New Idea

