Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Drug Awareness Inc.

Informing students about the negative effects of drugs and alcohol

New Idea


The Shelter Home

To help homeless people in Australia access quality food

New Idea


Destress Desserts

Providing a space to destress and find connection and support

New Idea

Western Australia

Yoga Circles

Yoga Circles gets groups of friends together at set times during the week to do yoga together!

New Idea

New South Wales

Edward Adventures

Bringing new opportunities to our community

New Idea


Rural South-West NSW

The Hoops

Helping teenagers stay away from drugs

New Idea


Chat and Co

A website for diverse communities that supports their mental health during COVID-19.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Flow again

Helping the community to regain its liveliness after the pandemic.

New Idea


Eco Packet

A more effective and eco friendly packaging option.

New Idea

New South Wales

Tasmania Local Link Up

How might we create a sense of community amongst disengaged youth?

New Idea


Grow Active

Educating youth on the impact of drugs and alcohol

New Idea



Play Paws

In our community we’ve noticed that people have been isolating themselves and that’s been causing them to be lonely.

New Idea


Cool Cats Safe Space

Helping reduce bullying in schools

New Idea


Eye Buddy

Enabling students to destress and get a good night's sleep.

New Idea

Mornington Peninsula

Judges Choice: Tailored To You

Here's how to keep yourself entertained while at home.

New Idea



Creating safe nightly entertainment for young Canberrans.

New Idea

Canberra ACT

Player Injury Monitor (PIM)

Reducing sports injury using innovative technology

New Idea


Sydney Metro

Data Mates

Providing connection between families and friends by funding data across the globe

New Idea

South Australia