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Second Place: Hax and Tipz

Making remote learning fun, engaging and supportive for Year 7 students in VIC during COVID-19!

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Pedal Pals

Reducing pollution and increasing people's health.

New Idea



Virtually connecting the elderly with their loved ones during the isolation of COVID-19.

New Idea

Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

First Place: Project Plant

Helping people in lockdown through a plant subscription and support service

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Easy Access

Improving access to education in remote conditions.

New Idea

Victoria, Gippsland


Allow people to safely access stores to ensure everyone can access essential supplies.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria


Helping year 7s to connect and settle in to high school.

New Idea


Who Am I?

Turning social distancing into an opportunity for personal growth and wellbeing

New Idea
