Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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A compost system and fridge monitor system that helps families to reduce food waste in their households

New Idea


AUS Express

Connecting small local, ethical Australian business to the rest of the world.

New Idea

Canberra ACT


We want people to use the space in their back garden to it's full potential, while creating a positive impact on the environment.

New Idea



Barry the Vending Fridge

We believe food wastage is a significant issue in Australia. We want to find creative ways to help Australia reduce how much food they throw away.

New Idea


Upper Hunter - NSW

Uptown Junk

How do we decrease the amount of rubbish consumed?

New Idea


Highly Commended: Wasteless

Repurposing household waste into beautiful, desireable objects

New Idea

South Australia


Tackling youth addiction to screens

New Idea


Canberra ACT

Plastic to Playground

Reducing plastic in the community

New Idea

Gold Coast


Single use plastics are harming our environment, and it's time to change this!

New Idea


North Tasmania

Bio Straws

Reducing single-use plastic waste

New Idea


Clean Schools

Student-led recycling service for schools

New Idea


Earth Cup

Ho might we reduce the usage of plastic cups, inform people of the effects of plastic waste, create a solution that is readily available to use?

New Idea


Darwin & Surrounds


Reducing the cost and environmental impact of clothing.

New Idea


Judge's Choice: Shinely

Upcycling and re-designing old clothes for re-sale to avoid clothes wastage and help refugees.

New Idea

South Australia


Making buying local easy and accessible

New Idea

New South Wales

Post your pills

The reuse of packaging in the use of pills in the medical industry is a big issue, we re solving this using our mail system.

New Idea

New South Wales

Sustainable Sourcing

An app to find food that is sustainably sourced

New Idea

Western Australia


We want to help grow food for schools for students and teachers.

New Idea

