Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Data Mates

Providing connection between families and friends by funding data across the globe

New Idea

South Australia

Bushfire Boxes

Keeping the community safe during bushfires

New Idea


Food For Friendship

Increasing the quality of life for people experiencing homelessness.

New Idea

Mornington Peninsula


A safe relaxation zone to reduce anxiety for essential workers

New Idea



Assisting young children in expressing their own emotions.

New Idea



Creating connections through sport to combat mental illness

New Idea


Sydney West

Salty Bolty

The first zero-emissions salt water powered car

New Idea


Western Australia

Camp Alive

Providing a safe environment where youth can be listened to and understood.

New Idea

Darwin & Surrounds

AB Sleep

Helping those who have trouble sleeping.

New Idea


Wheel of Kindness

Reviving positivity and kindness on Social Media

New Idea



Every voice heard!

New Idea




New Idea


Sports Travelleze

We believe students who do sport need an easy, safe way to travel to and from events.

New Idea


Gold Coast

Good Binji

Supporting mental health in the community

New Idea

Darwin & Surrounds

Highly Commended: Rural Water Purifier

Increasing access to clean water for rural communities.

New Idea

New South Wales

Judges Choice: Silent Secrets

A private and public journalling app

New Idea


The Mellow Group

To support anyone who needs someone to talk to and help people that are struggling with mental health issues to feel safe.

New Idea


Trust Talks

How might we help young people to feel safe and supported?

New Idea
