Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Murrayland Tours

Promoting tourism in the Murraylands

New Idea


Murraylands Region

My Travel Points

Reducing the number of cars on the road

New Idea


Judges Choice: Carbon Credits

Creating a digital currency to reward students for doing good deeds in school.

New Idea

New South Wales

Tech Mates

Creating enrichment to support youth in rural areas

New Idea


Rural South-West NSW

Pretty Little Darling

Girls of Bourke are bored and do not have enough options to be entertained.

New Idea

Dubbo and Surrounding Areas

Alcoa Mine Revegetation

Benefiting the community by repurposing an abandoned mine

New Idea


Kale's Construction

The construction industry is not an appealing career because of its long hours, lack of flexibility and safety concerns

New Idea

Shopper Hopper

Making the shopping experience more enjoyable and efficient.

New Idea


Canberra ACT

Virtual Travel

A virtual headset designed to entertain on planes

New Idea

Western Australia

Lismore Youth Film Festival

Providing youth interested in film with opportunities

New Idea

Northern Rivers

16 bit travel

A game to help understand your travel location. 16-bit nostalgia

New Idea

Western Australia


Generating tourist interest in our community

New Idea


Rural South-West NSW

Fresh Safety

Improving the safety of skate parks

New Idea


Work X

Helping you solve for X

New Idea


Canberra ACT

Design, Innovation and Growth

Providing entertainment options for young people in the Northern Rivers area

New Idea

Northern Rivers

(Judge's Choice) Trinder #traveltinder

Promoting travel to interesting and overlooked locations through an easy to use app

New Idea


Imagine Arts

We want a platform that supports local artists in all areas of the arts to be able to support themselves while doing something that they love.

New Idea

Canberra ACT