Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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New Idea


#Clean mask

Reducing the impact of Coronavirus on the environment.

New Idea


Judges Choice: GecTec

A revolutionary software to promote non-contact hotel interactions

New Idea

New South Wales

(Judge's Choice) Ecological Tourism

An app that rates how sustainable an airline company is with a number

New Idea

Western Australia


Educating students on the importance of sustainable choices

New Idea

Gold Coast


Alleviating loneliness in COVID isolation through the company of a dog!

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Fun Packaging

Making a cleaner, more environmentally friendly community

New Idea


Rural South-West NSW

The Roots

Educating people on sustainable and ethical food choices

New Idea



Making disposing of rubbish easy and good for the planet.

New Idea

New South Wales

Community Local Produce Workshop

Encouraging the use of local and indigenous produce in my neighbourhood through workshops.

New Idea

South Australia


Creating sustainable homewares alternatives

New Idea


Murraylands Region

HAARE Bin Points

A rewards system to reduce littering and create sustainable communities.

New Idea



Recycling household water while simultaneously generating hydroelectricity to increase sustainability.

New Idea

New South Wales

Drop bear

Reducing the amount of packaging in Australia

New Idea



Calc Your Food

Improving customer purchasing habits and reducing food waste in Rockhampton

New Idea



Acts of Kindness

To create a sustainable future for the future generations.

New Idea

Gold Coast

Keep In Tact

Keeping connected with friends and loved ones during COVID-19.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Smart Waste

How might we get people to care about reducing littering? Help people to be part of the recycling community? Make people litter-wise?

New Idea


Darwin & Surrounds