Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Cerebro Games

Cultivating a growth mindset in young people

New Idea




Financial wellbeing should be engaging and inclusive of all learning styles. We have done this by creating an artificial budget simulator.

New Idea

New South Wales


Robot that encourages smart spending

New Idea

New South Wales

Ask Nicely

Encouraging independence through a transaction app.

New Idea


Sloth Learning

Helping relieve homework stress which is making students feel overwhelmed and depressed

New Idea

Western Australia

Street Wear Designs

Street Wear Design is a social enterprise focused on cultural education through fashion.

New Idea


Scam Proof

Our goals are to make people feel protected and safe online and for people to not lose so much money to scams.

New Idea

Northern Rivers


Educating people on consent and sex education

New Idea

Sydney West


Helping students to 'unblock their potential' by saving class time through gaining instant and monitored access to all sites.

New Idea


Break Out

Bridging the gap between entrepreneurial and educational spaces

New Idea


Sydney Metro

Finance Aid Network (FAN)

Giving 14 - 18 year olds information about finance

New Idea

South Australia


Teaching young people financial skills

New Idea



Connecting school students, business, industry and community.

New Idea



Young People in Finance

A school program to teach teens in a fun engaging way how to handle money

New Idea

Australian Capital Territory

Better Mind

Reimagining the school justice system.

New Idea

Darwin & Surrounds

Walk Me Through

Supporting kids to learn in a fun and safe environment. 

New Idea


Drug Alcohol Virtual Reality Experience

We hope to connect with Australian youth through an immersive, engaging virtual reality experience to show the effects drugs can have on our bodies and minds.

New Idea


Upper Hunter - NSW

Income Buddy

A step-by-step guide on how to secure and maintain sufficient wealth!

New Idea
