Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Funnel tunnel

We can ALL help save water!

New Idea



Water Cents

To ensure sustainable water use in the tweed shire

New Idea

Northern Rivers

Earth Water

Earth water is better than any water

New Idea


Stay Fresh

To reduce plastic in the ocean for a good purpose

New Idea

Lake Macquarie

Talkin' Trash

Raising awareness for the importance of clean communities

New Idea



Aqua Verde

A sustainable solution to saving water in the shower

New Idea

New South Wales

Litter Rescue

Reducing littering and its impact on our community.

New Idea

North Tasmania

The Ultimate Bubbler

Sustainable water filter and water storage for students to be more sustainable.

New Idea

New South Wales

Save It

Saving water and energy in households

New Idea



Saving water in the community

New Idea


Nets for New Beginnings

Reducing plastic pollution to save marine life

New Idea



JOCA Water Co.

Our purpose is to recycle and reuse household water

New Idea

Sydney Metro


Reducing water wastage in all Australian households

New Idea



H2o Recycler

Recovering and repurposing used water.

New Idea


Dubbo and Surrounding Areas

Highly Commended: World-Class Water

A rainwater catchment system that enables people to collect, filter, and reuse rainwater.

New Idea


Save our water

People waste water everyday so how can we help make a difference.

New Idea


Aqua Pure

Making homes more eco-friendly

New Idea
