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Alcoa Mine Revegetation

Benefiting the community by repurposing an abandoned mine

New Idea


PCV: Plastic Collecting Vacuum

By the end of 2023 we want Northern Rivers to be a much cleaner environment and to have no plastic in trees.

New Idea

Northern Rivers

Easy Works

Improving employment for blue collar workers through social connection and accessibility

New Idea


Central Coast - NSW

Work X

Helping you solve for X

New Idea


Canberra ACT

TOKAA Workshops

Educating young people on how to live more sustainably.

New Idea

Mornington Peninsula

Fly an Drive

Once you stop flying, a car will start driving

New Idea

Western Australia

Xbox on wheels

To make the journey more enjoyable.

New Idea


Fresh Safety

Improving the safety of skate parks

New Idea


Kale's Construction

The construction industry is not an appealing career because of its long hours, lack of flexibility and safety concerns

New Idea

My Travel Points

Reducing the number of cars on the road

New Idea


Tackle Travel

A website to help tourist discover the wonders of a countries culture

New Idea

South Australia

SBCA - Small Business Company Assistance

Increasing the amount of local businesses in our area

New Idea


Macarthur - NSW

Toilet Tech Cleaning System (TTCS)

School toilets are disgusting, unhygienic and aren’t cared for.

New Idea



Imagine Arts

We want a platform that supports local artists in all areas of the arts to be able to support themselves while doing something that they love.

New Idea

Canberra ACT


Helping young tradies get to work.

New Idea

Melbourne East

Tech Pool

Promoting digital learning in modern classrooms and providing equity of access to technology for all students

New Idea


Rural South-West NSW

Player Injury Monitor (PIM)

Reducing sports injury using innovative technology

New Idea


Sydney Metro

Lismore Youth Film Festival

Providing youth interested in film with opportunities

New Idea

Northern Rivers