Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Educators and Employers

A social enterprise that provides refugees with a quality education and employment

New Idea

New South Wales

Country Care Packages

A package filled with Aussie Items to introduce people to rural Australia.

New Idea

New South Wales

Murrayland Tours

Promoting tourism in the Murraylands

New Idea


Murraylands Region

Time out not burn out!

Supporting school-based staff to manage their wellbeing through transforming staff culture.

New Idea

Canberra ACT

Good Life Growth

Providing all audiences with the opportunity to be educated on finance and give everyone a chance to make money and appropriately save and invest.

New Idea


ALP (Artificial, Learning, Program)

ALP is an app designed to make the travel journey easier

New Idea

Western Australia - for all your magical ideas

A marketplace made by young people, for young people

New Idea

Budget Builder

Using gaming to build a better budgeting future for young adults and children.

New Idea

South Australia

My Job

Making it easier for people of all ages to find jobs

New Idea

Gold Coast


Supporting the Hay community by providing local employment opportunities.

New Idea


Rural South-West NSW


Promoting gender equity in the workplace

New Idea


Lake Macquarie

Dark Mofo Online

Supporting Tasmanian businesses through an online festival

New Idea


AAC Banks

To help people save money.

New Idea

New South Wales


Generating tourist interest in our community

New Idea


Rural South-West NSW


Encouraging consumers to buy locally to support the community

New Idea


Murraylands Region

Young Money Masters

Making learning about finance fun through a large scale board game which can be run as an event

New Idea


South Australia

The Potential Project

We think that all young women deserve the chance to receive an education and become employed.

New Idea

Sydney East

Opal Rewards

So can there be a more REWARDING way to travel to and from work?

New Idea

