Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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A robot that collects trash to convert into power for itself.

New Idea

Western Australia

Nature’s Love

Reducing the carbon footprints of the fashion industry.

New Idea

Calm in Covid

Supporting Victorians through COVID-19 with a gamified app that strengthens their mental health.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Fun Packaging

Making a cleaner, more environmentally friendly community

New Idea


Rural South-West NSW

A.C.E Environmental Educators

Educating young people on how to reduce their environmental footprint

New Idea


Green Thumb Corp

Encouraging healthy eating in our community

New Idea



The Eco Bins

To keep our world clean and reduce pollution for the future generations.

New Idea



Pedal Pals

Reducing pollution and increasing people's health.

New Idea


National Emergency Gateway

Helping Australians stand together in times of crisis.

New Idea



Protecting the environment and our animals.

New Idea


(Judge's Choice) Fresh and Wild Travel

An Eco friendly toiletries travel pack.

New Idea

South Australia

Backwards Fashion

Providing everyone with sustainable clothing options

New Idea


Smart Waste

How might we get people to care about reducing littering? Help people to be part of the recycling community? Make people litter-wise?

New Idea


Darwin & Surrounds

Trash to Cash

We want to make the world a pollution-free place by creating a hub where we make craft from rubbish.

New Idea


Helping small businesses find their feet.

New Idea


Mt Gambier

PickUp and CheckOut

Stopping litter while promoting artists.

New Idea


#Clean mask

Reducing the impact of Coronavirus on the environment.

New Idea



Recycling household water while simultaneously generating hydroelectricity to increase sustainability.

New Idea

New South Wales