Projects. Youth impact starts here.

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Covid Care

Supporting our healthcare workers with tailored, thoughtful gifts and care during COVID!

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Parenting the Future

Resourcing parents to raise mentally healthy and resilient kids.

New Idea


Chat and Co

A website for diverse communities that supports their mental health during COVID-19.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

OUT Space

Ensuring the mental health of teenagers at all times.

New Idea


Equal Third Place: Edu-Level-Up

A way for students to stay motivated and engaged during remote learning.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

First Place: Project Plant

Helping people in lockdown through a plant subscription and support service

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Calm in Covid

Supporting Victorians through COVID-19 with a gamified app that strengthens their mental health.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Flow again

Helping the community to regain its liveliness after the pandemic.

New Idea



Alleviating loneliness in COVID isolation through the company of a dog!

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Equal Third Place: Study Sync

Destressing and reducing the confusion around home learning for young people!

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Positive Pathways

Reconnecting young teenagers struggling with mental health

New Idea


Paper Planes

We exist for the purpose of improving the mental health of young people.

New Idea



Supporting the mental health of youth in a way that shows YOU matter most!

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria


Helping teenagers to talk about mental health and get support.

New Idea


Second Place: Hax and Tipz

Making remote learning fun, engaging and supportive for Year 7 students in VIC during COVID-19!

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria

Who Am I?

Turning social distancing into an opportunity for personal growth and wellbeing

New Idea



Allow people to safely access stores to ensure everyone can access essential supplies.

New Idea


Coronavirus Challenge, Victoria


Assisting young children in expressing their own emotions.

New Idea
